Tutorial of qjob

Introduction to computing clusters and queueing systems

Skip this if you’re already familiar with the topic

A cluster is a computational infrastructure consisting of a multitude of computers (called nodes) connected in a network. A cluster may contain hundreds or thousands of nodes, widely ranging in characteristics: from small computers with few CPUs, to powerful ones with huge amounts of memory. Typically, all computers have access to a shared file system, meaning that they can read and write the same disk.

The main purpose is a cluster is offering users a platform to execute calculations, and its main power is parallel computing. Users split their total computational workload in bits called jobs, and sends them to the cluster for execution.

Clusters come with queueing systems (also known as job scheduler, batch system, DRMS, DRM, workload automation), which facilitate distributing jobs. Thanks to this, users don’t have to manually connect to single nodes to run calculation. Instead, they connect and operate uniquely within a “master” node. From here, users can run dedicated commands to send jobs to be computed (i.e., submit them).

When submitting a job, the user has to specify its resource requirements: total time of execution, memory, and number of threads. These are upper limits which are typically strictly enforced: if a job uses more memory or run for longer than specified, it is killed.

Besides, the user must choose a specific queue for job submission. Queues are set by the system administrator and differ among clusters. Typically, you have different queues corresponding to different resource requirements, e.g. you may have a queue dedicated to everyday jobs with short runtime and little memory, and another for big jobs requiring long runtimes and lots of memory.


Scheme of an computing cluster example with three queues.

Once jobs are submitted, the system takes care of finding a suitable node for each. If there isn’t any available at the moment, jobs are queued (i.e., put on a waiting list) until resources free up.

Before you start using a cluster, make sure you know:

  • its queue names and guidelines

  • which queueing system is installed

The most popular queueing systems used are two: Sun Oracle Engine (SGE, also known as Oracle Grid Engine) and Slurm Workload Manager (Slurm). Both are supported by qjob. They are roughly equivalent in functionalities, but use separate commands. For job submission, SGE provides the command qsub, whereas Slurm uses sbatch. If you’re unsure which system you have, check which of these two commands is available in your shell.

(Note: cloud computing is conceptually analogous to huge computing clusters, owned by a tech company which rents them to users. However, cloud computing services use distinct and platform-specific queueing systems, so that qjob is not compatible with them.)

Monitor job status and cluster usage

Before you start to submit jobs to a cluster, it is important to know the essential commands to monitor its current usage, and the status of jobs. These utilities depends on the queueing systems.

In SGE, you have:

  • qstat to see the status of your jobs (empty output if there are none)

  • qstat -a "*" to see jobs of all users

  • qstat -g c to see a summary of the cluster usage, split by queue

In Slurm, you have:

  • squeue -u $USER to see the status of your jobs

  • squeue to see jobs of all users

  • sview for a convenient interactive interface with cluster usage and job status

These programs implement numerous options, and queueing systems also include additional command utilities. Check the documentation and tutorials of SGE and Slurm online for more details.

Aim and usage of qjob

Qjob comes into play when you have a bunch of commands to be computed, i.e., a “workload”, consisting of a series of commands such as this analysis1_workload.sh file

run_analysis -i file_A -n 50 -o output_A > logs/log_file_A
run_analysis -i file_B -n 50 -o output_B > logs/log_file_B
run_analysis -i file_C -n 50 -o output_C > logs/log_file_C
run_analysis -i file_D -n 50 -o output_D > logs/log_file_D
run_analysis -i file_E -n 50 -o output_E > logs/log_file_E
run_analysis -i file_F -n 50 -o output_F > logs/log_file_F
run_analysis -i file_G -n 50 -o output_G > logs/log_file_G
run_analysis -i file_H -n 50 -o output_H > logs/log_file_H
run_analysis -i file_I -n 50 -o output_I > logs/log_file_I
run_analysis -i file_J -n 50 -o output_J > logs/log_file_J
run_analysis -i file_K -n 50 -o output_K > logs/log_file_K
run_analysis -i file_L -n 50 -o output_L > logs/log_file_L
run_analysis -i file_M -n 50 -o output_M > logs/log_file_M

The aim of qjob is to simplify the everyday tasks of splitting the workload into jobs, define job specifications, and submit them for computation.

There are many possible ways to split the workload into jobs. The example file above has 13 lines. We may decide to submit them as a single job: this means they’ll all be computed sequentially on the same computer. Or we may submit them as 13 jobs of one line each. Or anything in between. Depending on the workload, on the cluster features, and on its usage status, you may want to go one way or another.

Let’s say that we want to split in three jobs, corresponding to option -nj 3 (-nj stands for number of jobs). Then, you execute:

qjob -i analysis1_workload.sh -nj 3

After running qjob, you should see it created a jbs folder called analysis1_workload.sh.jbs/, with three files:

analysis1_workload.sh.1  analysis1_workload.sh.2  analysis1_workload.sh.3

The command lines in analysis1_workload.sh have been partitioned to three job files. But also, these files contain essential job specs required at time of submission. For example let’s inspect analysis1_workload.sh.jbs/analysis1_workload.sh.1:

#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -cwd
#$ -M marco.mariotti@ub.edu
#$ -q my_queue_1
#$ -l h_rt=6:0:00
#$ -m a
#$ -V
#$ -N analysis1_workload.sh.1
#$ -l virtual_free=7G
#$ -e /home/mmariotti/my_analysis/analysis1_workload.sh.jbs/analysis1_workload.sh.1.ERR
#$ -o /home/mmariotti/my_analysis/analysis1_workload.sh.jbs/analysis1_workload.sh.1.LOG
run_analysis -i file_A -n 50 -o output_A > logs/log_file_A
run_analysis -i file_B -n 50 -o output_B > logs/log_file_B
run_analysis -i file_C -n 50 -o output_C > logs/log_file_C
run_analysis -i file_D -n 50 -o output_D > logs/log_file_D
run_analysis -i file_E -n 50 -o output_E > logs/log_file_E

Note, this file was built on a SGE system. The corresponding file for Slurm would be similar.

Besides the 5 command lines at the bottom, the file contains parameters (queue name, time limit etc) which will be read by the job submission utility (qsub for SGE, sbatch for Slurm). In this case, all parameters were defined by the user default settings of qjob.

Note that the jobs were not submitted just yet. To do this, you would have to re-run the same qjob command as before, adding option -Q:

qjob -i analysis1_workload.sh -nj 3 -Q

If the jbs folder was already created by a previous run (like in our case here), the user will be prompted for overwrite confirmation. Then, job files will be created like before, then submitted.


Before submitting lots of jobs, it is a good practice to always inspect and test your commands!

Job specifications and other options

To specify any non-default parameters, use qjob command line options. Job specifications are particularly important. You typically want to specify:

  • option -q = queue name

  • option -m = memory requested in GB

  • option -t = time limit in hours

  • option -p = number of processors requested

Another few commonly used options are presented hereafter:

Both the output folder and the job name are normally derived from the input file name, but they may be specified with options -o and -n, respectively. The job name is derived from output folder when not specified explicitly.

By default, qjob redirects the standard output and error of each job (i.e., of all commands within the job which aren’t redirected already) to .LOG and .ERR files located inside the jbs folder. Two options can alter this. Option -joe joins output and error, so every job writes to a single file; and option -sl joins the output of all jobs of the workload.

In the most typical use of qjob, you specify the desired number of jobs with -nj, and the program will split the input workload into groups of lines accordingly. However, you can instead decide how many command lines you want per job, using option -nl.

Qjob offers plenty of other options. To see the complete list, run:

qjob -h full

Default qjob options

The configuration file in your home folder ~/.qjob contains the default options for your user. You can open this file and modify it with any text editor. Modifications will take effect in the next qjob run. As explained in Installation, this file is created at your first use of qjob, when you run qjob -setup.

Configuration shortcuts

As you start using qjob daily, you may find yourself employing the same combinations of options over and over. For example, you may use a specific short time limit and a narrow memory requirement when submitting to a specific ‘fast’ queue, and use other more sizable parameters when submitting to a different ‘powerful’ queue. Qjob allows to set up shortcuts for any combinations of parameters, so that you can activate a (potentially complex) qjob configuration using a concise option. Shortcuts are set up with -xset and activated with -x.

For example, let’s edit the xset setting in the ~/.qjob file, so that it reads:

xset =  fast : ' -q queue1 -m 5 -t 2 '  long : ' -q queue2 -m 20 -t 12 '

In this example, we set up two keywords, fast and long, which set the same parameters (queue name, memory requirement, time limit). Thanks to this, we can now run, for example:

qjob -i  analysis1_workload.sh  -x fast

And this will be equivalent to:

qjob -i  analysis1_workload.sh  -q queue1 -m 5 -t 2

Configuration shortcuts can be used to manipulate any number of options, of any kind.

Direct mode vs template mode

Qjob has two main modalities. We have seen the first one above, called direct mode. The user directly provides a file with the commands that will be executed in the nodes with option -i:

qjob -i analysis1_workload.sh

Alternatively, the user can choose the template mode:

  • a template command is provided with -c. This text includes placeholders marking the parts where command lines must differ, e.g. different input files are processed.

  • a tab-separated table is provided with -d, which contains the data to replace the placeholders, therefore expanding the template to the full workload.

Let’s see an example in template mode equivalent to the direct mode example used before. Here’s the template file analysis1_template.sh:

run_analysis -i {input} -n 50 -o {output} > logs/{log}

And the data table file analysis1_data.tsv (all delimiters are tabulators):

input output  log
file_A        output_A        log_file_A
file_B        output_B        log_file_B
file_C        output_C        log_file_C
file_D        output_D        log_file_D
file_E        output_E        log_file_E
file_F        output_F        log_file_F
file_G        output_G        log_file_G
file_H        output_H        log_file_H
file_I        output_I        log_file_I
file_J        output_J        log_file_J
file_K        output_K        log_file_K
file_L        output_L        log_file_L
file_M        output_M        log_file_M

You may run qjob with:

qjob -c analysis1_template.sh -d analysis1_data.tsv  -nj 3

Which will produce a jbs folder with files identical to the example previously presented.

Note, howewer, that in template mode the output folder name (and job name) is derived from the template provided, which may not necessarily uniquely identify the workload. Thus, in template mode, it is recommended to explicitly provide an output folder with option -o.

Parallel vs sequential execution

Jobs are distributed to different nodes, and run (at least potentially) in parallel. What if your calculations have some sequential dependencies, e.g. a first part generating the data for a second part? In the following example, the second line must be executed only after the first one has finished; same for the fourth after the third.

run_part1 -i inputA    -o midfileA
run_part2 -i midfileA  -o outputA
run_part1 -i inputB    -o midfileB
run_part2 -i midfileB  -o outputB

In direct mode, it is assumed that each line of the input workload can be executed in parallel to others. So, if you use the workload shown above and you’re not careful about how you split it into jobs, you may end up messing up the execution order.

There are various possibilities for encoding sequential execution in qjob. The recommended one is to modify your input workload to avoid violating the assumption above. Input commands may be arbitrarily complex, so you may chain multiple program execution in each line through standard command separators. Therefore, the simplest solution is to use semicolons “;” to chain into the same line those commands that must be executed sequentially:

run_part1 -i inputA  -o midfileA; run_part2 -i midfileA  -o outputA
run_part1 -i inputB  -o midfileB; run_part2 -i midfileB  -o outputB

There is one variant which is a bit more robust to errors. When using semicolons “;”, the second part is run even if the first part has crashed. To prevent this, you can use the double ampersand “&&”. This command separator indicates that the next command will be run only if the previous one had a non-error exit-status (the value 0). Naturally, this is feasible only when the programs employed correctly set their exit status (not always the case!).

run_part1 -i inputA  -o midfileA && run_part2 -i midfileA  -o outputA
run_part1 -i inputB  -o midfileB && run_part2 -i midfileB  -o outputB

This strategy (with ; or &&) works both in direct and template mode. In template mode, however, you may actually leave commands as separate lines, and they will still be consistently executed sequentially. This is because a template command is never broken into smaller jobs: each job will contain one or more template instance, but not fractions. In other words, in template mode, each template is treated like single line are treated in direct mode. So, these two templates are functionally equivalent:

run_part1 -i {input}  -o {mid};  run_part2 -i {mid}    -o {out}
run_part1 -i {input}  -o {mid}
run_part2 -i {mid}    -o {out}

If your calculations require more complex dependencies (e.g. several split-apply-combine steps are chained), then you must adopt a more powerful workload manager than qjob. We recommend Nextflow.